- State
- Transportation
- Illinois Department of Transportation
Services Provided
- Civil Engineering
- District One, IDOT
As managing partner of a joint venture with Bloom Companies, EDI is providing Phase I engineering services for the preparation of various Phase I preliminary engineering and environmental studies throughout IDOT’s District One.
The scope of work includes new Phase I studies for intersections, roadway segments, bridges and culverts, and assisting the District in completing ongoing Phase I studies and tasks.
EDI has completed task orders involving ADA compliance by evaluating intersections on selected IDOT roadways within Cook County, and hydrologic and hydraulic analyses and reporting for several culvert rehabilitations and bridges.
Additional tasks included data collection, preparation of Environmental Survey Request forms and supporting documents, stream surveys, preparation of base maps and mosaics, geometric studies, safety studies including crash analyses, capacity analysis including intersection design studies, coordination with Bloom Companies’ bridge inspections and bridge condition reports, drainage plans, roadway plans, barrier warrants for guardrails, cost estimates, public involvement and de minimus determinations, and all other related work necessary to complete various Phase I Categorical Exclusion Project studies and tasks.